Tuesday 17 May 2016


This phrase usually trails any regret for not succeeding in any endavour that an individual has embarked on. For instance, educational pursuit. Let me start by seeking your views about the phrase. Do you think it can be avoided by an individual? Let me hear your views. As an individual, I feel that the phrase would only come to an individual who does not do what he is supposed to do at the right time he or she is supposed to do it. We have discussed a lot of things on this blog that would help you as a student to really face your studies squarely in other not to have any regrets at the end of your stay here in DLI. I know you would do so. Check out the last post on this blog and truly follow what is said there. I promise you your being in DLI will worth its while at the end of your studies here.
You can always rely on the counsellors to assist you with any challenge that may want to hinder you from succeeding. Take care.

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