Monday 20 July 2015


Stress refers to any stimulus that either raises your excitement or anxiety level beyond what you regard as above your usual or personal capability Akinade(2007).It also refers to an individual’s state of physical and physiological imbalance leading to his or her social maladjustment, poor work performance and even ill health .Stress can be identified as one of the major factors inhibiting creative performance.

Stress is part of every learner’s life. Personal stress requirements and the amount which an individual can tolerate before he or she becomes distressed varies with the individual’s life situation and age. A stressor produces stress. As learners in Distance Learning Institute, you will be faced with two types of stressors; academic and social stressors. The academic stressors include academic failure, fear of examination and competition for good grades. The social stressors include loneliness, poor relationship with course mates, poor appearance and financial constraints.
Some learners can cope with academic and or social difficulties without help. However, for some others the negative effects of stress can be really troubling and they may result to ineffective coping strategies. Without stress management, stress can lead to serious health challenges and problems.  Therefore, you should not wait until stress has a negative impact on your health, before you practice a range of stress management techniques. The effects of stress vary from person to persons.
The physical signs of stress include
1. Insomnia:
2. Fatigue
3. Constipation
4. Nervousness
5. Minor accidents
6. Palpitations
7. Indigestion
8. Irritability
9. Sudden grey hair
10. Dizziness
11. Aching muscles
12. Diarrhoea
13. Frequent urination
14. Impotence
Symptoms of stress: The following are some of the symptoms of stress:
Loss of appetite
Chest/neck pain
Increased heart problems
Increased blood pressure
Overnight grey hair
Lack of concentration in day time

Stress Management Techniques
You can avoid or minimize stress through the following:
Learn to recognize when you are stressed
Learn to relax
Reduce the demands on you,(Time management)
Ensure that you get enough fun out of life
Positive thinking
Breathing exercises (Breath slowly and deeply)
Practice   assertiveness
Look after your physical wellbeing
Creative visualization
Anger management

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