Friday 3 April 2015


Distance Learners come from diversity of backgrounds and are often face with a lot of challenges and distances, which include, but are not limited to
Varied social background,
Different educational background
Different occupational and family background.

It is therefore the responsibility of the IAG unit to provide services to prospective learners and learners to assist them in managing their challenges and achieving success in their learning endeavours.
The IAG unit in DISTANCE LEARNING INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS aims at providing accessible, personalised, up-to-date, effective, timely ,usable and impartial information, advice and guidance to prospective students, students and other interested individuals on the programmes, facilities and services available at the Institute.
The Services are in three-folds, information, advice and guidance.
Information: The information service covers up-to-date information on the programme, services and facilities in the institute. This is provided through print information posted on the bill boards, access to the help desk staff who are strategically positioned to attend to anybody that needs information and other electronic media, such as the institute’s website and LMS.
Advice. This is equated with confidential counselling and help that is provided  to prospective students and students as the need arises.

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