Thursday, 29 October 2015

TIPS FOR WRITING CBT (Computer-Based Tests or Examinations)

The new trend in the field of education requires that candidates utilize the latest information communication technology in writing examination. Unlike the conventional pen and paper examination, computer-based examination requires that candidates will take their test or examination by using the computer and the Internet. Many students these days, owing to technology phobia, are always jittery about taking CBT examinations. Today I want to allay your fears and give you these useful tips on how to approach CBT examinations. These are some of the things you need to do.

  • Make sure you are computer literate. As an Open Distance Education (ODE) student, your ability to work with and on the computer with little or no assistance is very important.
  • Practice with sample questions online before the date of your examination.
  • Read and understand the instructions and examination rules ( timing, etc) before you start the examination.
  • Monitor your time as you work on the questions so that you will not run out of time.
  • Attempt the questions you feel are easy first, this would leave you with enough time to go back to the ones you find difficult.
  • Concentrate on your work; CBT requires full concentration.

  • Call the attention of the invigilators and ICT staff in the examination venue if you experience any technical hitch or challenge you cannot sort out.
  • Make sure you do not run out of time, click on submit button when you finish; this is very important.
  • Above all prepare very well for your examination. ANYTHING WORTH DOING AT ALL IS WORTH DOING WELL.